Happy Monday guys. This week I am full of hope and aspirations. I have done my "to do" list for the week, my haka dance has been completed (in private) and I am good to go.

Before I get into the ootd, I will like to give you the gist of how I embarrassed myself at the gym last week ?. Here we go. I got back from school run one faithful morning and decided to go straight to the gym. While wrestling with the decision of what point to take off my wig through out the entire trip, I decided I will do it slyly in the car once I park up at the gym just to avoid changing room palaver.

So that's what I did. Took it off so fast that superman himself with his laser vision wouldn't have noticed. Put on my sunglasses and bounced into the gym. I was feeling good, about to get my workout on, murder some fat cells, pump some iron.

So my routine began: Stair climber - 15 minutes, lateral ski master - 20 minutes and then to the floor exercise, I was about to flex muscles and show them who is boss. Half way through my routine I catch some stares but I am all good, I can deadlift 60kg don’t y’all worry about my slender self ?, slim fit init ?. I am strolling past the muscle mirror when was forced to take a double look, I almost fainted!!!! body and spirit collapsed in perfect sync ?. Father take control of this situation.

Ladies and gentlemen my wig cap was still on my head the whole damn time, I cried out to the Lord, whyyyyyyy!!!! Why do bad things happen to good pipo ?. I was mortified, to everyone else I was wearing tights on my head like a crazy person. I was crazy and they knew it guys.

So damage control mode activated after some hot tears of humiliation and cries of anguish. What do I do now, do I take it off before more people see me or do I style it out? Style it out it was because Warri cannot what? carry last.

So I got me some kettle bells, took my wig cap off, wore it on my palm and started lifting the kettle bells. Wig cap turned kettle bells gloves ?, dass how we roll up in hurr. That was my story y'all. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper, my village pipo did not win this one.

Now that you have all laughed at my expense and I have entertained you this Monday morning. Let me say a thing or two about my outfit.
White shirt: FREE, stolen from my husbands closet. Trust me to take the most expensive crisp one. This is mine now, he has about one million of these so boy bye ?.
Distressed jeans shorts: Primark £12 I have loved these knee length jeans since I saw them on Kim K.
My baby boy needs no introductions *flicks hair*

That's all from me guys. Until next time.