"Oi freckle face" was hollered at me in my new school when I first landed in England many years ago. I looked back and understood that I was the target of a one man abuse team. I was doing my A levels in the sixth form of a high school with younger pupils who obviously needed more protein to help grow their maturity. The kids were insensitive and cruel. Yes I had freckles but I was also laden with pimples which indicated that I had achieved my adolescent stars. I kept thinking about the "freckle face " comment and became very very conscious and hated my angry red skin. I was 16 years old and clueless about skin care. I knew anytime I ate oily foods I had instant break outs so I avoided most foods, I also stopped moisturizing my face because I thought that it aggreviated the pimples. It got worse and worse and I didn't know what to do. On the other hand I had a mother who had flawless skin. As long as I can remember or the last 20 years, my mum used Elizabeth Arden products, cleanser, toner, moisturiser, day cream, nights serum, under eye soother to name a few. She had a set routine every evening and I often sat at the end of her bed watching the magic happen. I just couldnt get my head around using a million products on my face, how was I expected to afford it all and what if they don't work that would be money down the drain. It didn't help with the constant reminder from my mum to improve my skin "Alero you need to start taking care of your skin", "Alero you need to find something that works for you ", I knew it was critical at this stage because a famous Nigerian saying "monkey nor fine but e mama like am" was slowly fading from my mum's memories ?. I didn't make major moves but I started with the Elizabeth Arden Intervene moisturiser and instantly began to see results. Pimples were clearing up, face becoming smoother. I was at work one day when someone said to me "You have very good skin", I cried tears of joy and I tell you now, all I needed at that point was an evening dress with a 10ft train, a stage and a shiny Oscar because the emotions already matched that scenario of winning an award. That ish changed my life for real.
Over the years my routine have changed somewhat but that gave me more confidence to try things and be confident about what works and what doesn't. I am not a product junkie. I stick to products and services for years if I like them, my personality is not inclined towards jumping on the newest exciting thing that comes to the market.
Products I am loyal to at the moment and I absolutely love are in two brands. Dr Kheils and Organic pharmacy.
I use the organic pharmacy carrot butter cleanser. It is an oily consistency is not too heavy and it snatches all the Make up from your face. Face feels so soft and supple afterwards. It is a bit pricey at £40 but I manage it well by sometimes substituting for good ole coconut oil
I apply it all over my face and wipe it off with damp flat cotton pads. I do this as soon as I get home from work to allow skin breather all evening. In a heavy Make up day, I use coconut oil first (ain't no body wasting precious resources), shower then use my carrot butter to remove the last of the Make up. I absolutely swear by this product.
I then apply my Dr Khiels moisturiser with spf 30. Spf is so so important whether you live in a hot climate or not. I was looking for a product with a higher spf but I read somewhere that spf 30 blocks 99% of UV rays. Enough for me so shut up and take my money.
I have used this moisturiser for years and I love love love it. That is my day cream. For night I use food ole Aveeno. Who can argue with the power of oats.
I also use the organic pharmacy toner a couple of times of the week which is Ok, I have no clue if it works or not but it soothes my skin after all that rubbing to get the damn Make up off.
Apart from my routine above, I have another strategy, I use soap on my face once a day usually in the morning. I don't use soap too often because a dermatologist I saw told me that soap strips the skin of essential oils.This is something that has worked for me sometimes I have a soap free day because my carrot butter contains anti bacteria properties. My routine is quick and easy. No fancy row of products, easy to find and use products especially the coconut oil which I buy from the food isle in the supermarket. I hope this saves you time, energy and money. Find what works for you and stick with it even if your BFF phones you to tell you of the new snake oil product mixed with rabbit balls juice and unicorn colostrum. Start simple and build on it by doing this you can really evaluate products that are good for your skin while isolating the useless products all together. I hope this had helped someone. Please comment on your best beauty tips. Outfit deets
Red and white, who can name a more iconic duo of colours ?. This duo is unbeatable in my books especially as red is my colour. I have paired an oversize white shirt dress with red patent skirt and this season's must have, white boots for that colour blocking effect
Weekday white shirt
Primark patent skirt £10
Primark boots £16
Until next time Buttercups ?