I often get asked, what came first, buttercup the flower or Alero Buttercup, the super awesome blogger. This is my answer: One is spelt with a capital B and the other is not, so put some respek on my name and call it a day (blogger by day, spitter of rap lines at night).

So how and why did I start blogging about fashion and lifestyle? Let's start with the name Alero Buttercup. Alero is my first name and the name of an Oldsmobile Car model that clearly hasnt sent my cheque in the post for using my name so freely and carelessly. Then the Buttercup part which if you thought was a flowery girly symbol, well you are WRONG. Growing up I watched the power puff girls religiously and Buttercup was my favourite character. She was clearly a tomboy who had anger issues but who are we to judge?. She was fearless, bold and damn right the life of the party. I wanted to be her so bad that I kept her name at the back of my mind for a rainy day. In May 2015, in London the rainy day was finally upon us, as if possessed by Anna Wintour herself, I looked up to the heavy grey sky and thought, " I am starting my blog today". No pre planning, no thinking about it and definitely no confidence in my writing skills. Just like that the blog was born. Hubby put together a site for me in a day and I posted my first blog post.

I wasn't always "into fashion", I spent all my university days looking like the 3rd member of the Kriss Kross duo. Big saggy pants, crop tops and a bandana would do most days. Although I dressed like a tomboy, I still looked good (I think) Then while on maternity leave I joined a blogger social media site called Pose. It was a platform for fashion bloggers to showcase style while tagging all items they were wearing. I started posting there but kept it a secret from friends and family, not to get any negative feedback (blogging still wasn't something a lot of people I know understood back then). With the help of Pose, I started finding key fashion pieces with little or no effort, I fell in love with putting things together and playing dress up. That was the beginning of my fashion addiction.

Why did I start my blog? Accountability. Yes. As mum's we make everybody else our priorities so often that we can neglect ourselves. Three weeks post partum , I found myself sitting on the sofa and realised I hadn't taken a bath in 2 days, just as the thought entered my mind, my mum marches in with a bottle of relaxer, She was going to relax my hair and I had no say in the matter (the good old days of the creamy crack). I wasn't going to argue with a former hair salon owner that can still whoop my arse to be honest. That was when I knew that this was going to be a battle, accepting my new reponsibily of a little fur ball sitting in my lap, sucking me dry and looking my best simultaneously.

I needed to be accountable. No more wearing unflattering onesies to the supermarket, no more hiding my bad hair under hats and roaming the streets like a Russian spy on the streets of London. This was it. I was going to be more thoughtful with my fashion and show my passion to the world. Alero Buttercup was born shortly after.

As time goes on, I hope I have been able through my blog to help, inspire and show ladies that motherhood and style can live in you simultaneously. Take time out for yourself and treat yourself good.
About this outfit
Hands up who thinks I was on a major trip when I put this outfit together ?. Well not everything needs to match, as a matter of fact nothing I have on matches but in my head they all seemed to go together, that's why I created this outfit. It gives an interesting convo when you wear this to a birthday party. I am a big fan of mixing and matching, the more different they are, the more they seem to make a great outfit.

This skirt is a no go area for most people because they can only envision it with a black top, you can wear this with most colours under the sky. My initial thought was to match it with a solid emerald green top I already own but I thought na, that's not crazy enough ?.

Top tips for first time print clashers
1. Start slowly, mix florals and stripe and you will not go wrong
2. Mix the same print in different colours, that seems to work too
3. Think in your head, what solid colours harmonise well? It would work for prints too just make sure the base colours look good together and you are good to go.

Missguided top old but this print
here is similar and very pretty
Asos skirt
here for something a little more upscale, check out this Rixo skirt
Shoes old (Betsy Johnson) similar
Sunglasses Gucci
Clutch bag similar
Until next time Buttercups ??.