I went to LFW expecting to shoot and kinda put trends together for my readers. As fashion week progressed, I went from thinking I would blog about "my experience of fashion week" to "trends of fashion week" and finally to " The hustle of London Fashion Week". The latter seemed to be something that became more prevalent when the novelty of fashion week disappeared. Fashion week is one massive business card, bloggers trying to get noticed, photographers scanning and rating people before they even point a lens at them, security guards feeling very important (as they are ) and celebrities (what celebrities?) probably on their sofas watching reality television and eating pork scratchings.
Brewer street car park where the shows took place was crowded, mostly with photographers but then there were a lot of people just standing around for ages, dressed up, doing nothing. People on their phones trying to look important forming "tell your people to call my people", "I was in the show but came out to talk to you", "tell Anna (Wintour) I am cancelling dinner tonight" lol, you are blocking my shot peepo, get out of my way (warra mess).
I met some great photographers, stylists, bloggers, I handed out many business cards, I received twice as much, two sunny days, 5 English teas and some great friends and contacts later, I can say it was a great experience. I loved shooting at LFW.
I hear you, "shut up for once and show is some gaddam photos". Here you go.