So at the weekend I went to Bruno Mars concert by
myself, all together now... *awwwww * ?. I'll tell you the story. When these tickets became available for sale a few months ago, I missed out and before I knew it all the tickets had gone. I was devastated, I love Bruno Mars. Fast forward one day before the concert, I found some tickets and this ministered to my spirit, it was meant to be so I decided I was going. I called a few friends and no one wanted to come at such short notice so do you know what I did? I got me, myself and I VIP tickets and went just like that. I thought to myself, what would you regret the most
1. Going to one of the favourite artist's concert on your own or
2. Missing out all together
You guessed it, I wasn't going to miss out so I asked my own damn self on a date and you know what? I accepted the date. It felt good because I tell you something now, this was the second best concert I have ever been after the Queen B of course. Bruno gave us a show to remember. The production was amazing and still had that jazz club live band feel to it. Here is why I had an amazing time with myself
1. We grabbed something to eat before the show and we didn't argue about where to go or what to have, it was like we were in perfect sync ?
2. We got ID'ed at the bar twice! That's how young and youthful we looked *flicks hair*
3. When Bruno sang "Treasure" we serenaded each other
4. We sang Bruno songs while skipping home holding hands ?
It was fun to say the least. Try it next time, take your bougie self on a date and see how you like it.

Outfit deets
Denim Jacket: Missguided
Striped trousers: River Island
Earrings HnM (old)
Shoes: Newlook